Thursday, November 28, 2013


Ayurveda is the complete science of Life or Healing using Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurveda is oldest natural healing science originated 5000 year ago. Ayurveda is the combination of two Sanskrit words Ayur and Veda. Ayur mean Ayu or Life and Veda means Knowledge so Ayurveda means Knowledge of Life. Ayurveda is relevant to the key of life and the science of extended healthy life. The founder of Ayurveda is expected to be God Dhanwantari. Apart from him, other popular titles are Aitareya, Agnivesha, Kashyapa, Harit and Bhedamuni. At the moment, three essential guides of Ayurveda are: Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vaagbhatta Samhita. These three guides are jointly known as Brihat-trayi. Patanjali has also written text on Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the Upveda of Athrav Veda and contain secret to live a long healthy life by using ayurvedic or natural herbs.

 According to Indian traditions, the primary resources of information in this universe are Veda. According to Indian religious hymns, the whole creature is under the three heavenly powers known as Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and lord Vishnu. Brahma is the God of creature, Vishnu is the survivor and Shiva is the destroyer. Ayurveda study shows that Veda originated from divine soul of Brahma. Lod Brahma holding Veda in his hands in general appearance. These Veda are four in number and are Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. These all four main Veda are in Sanskrit text. Lord Brahma spread the knowledge of Veda in all universes and passed it to all ages through religious sages. For the detail study and convenience the Veda are further divided into Upveda. In Upveda, the Veda topics are briefly described. Ayurveda is the Upveda of Atharvaveda, that dealing with way of living or healthy lifestyle. Atharvaveda that goes returning to around 1000 BC. Of the few other treatises on Ayurveda that have live through from around the same time. The Astanga Hridayam is a more brief selection of previously text hymns that was designed about a million decades ago. The information of Ayurveda is considered to be of Divine resource and was conveyed to the sages of Indian who obtained its knowledge through strong mind relaxation. Ayurveda information was spread down by mouth through the decades and then published down in many religious texts. There are many holy text books of Indian tradition with Veda knowledge considered to be the earliest documents on the globe.

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